Gastro Zurich.
Ready for the Future
The transformation for the largest regional restaurateurs association in Switzerland
9 regions and over 2500 member companies on one platform

training & courses
Rediscover education with categories, labels and sorting function

"Federalist" CMS
The central management of the design enables a uniform design of the content thanks to flexible components for all members. Live preview facilitates the creation of content.

Events & Tickets
Easy organization of events with scanning of Apple & Google Wallet Passes and PDF tickets

Publishing surveys & results
Share answers to important questions and results directly

Form Builder
Create a form in no time

GastroZurich as a cantonal association is divided into various regional sections / sub-associations. These sections operate largely autonomously as independent associations and to date have each taken care of their own digital identity and website.
As part of a rebranding project, GastroZürich has taken the initiative and offered to take its sections along on the journey. The cantonal rebranding project provides for stringent brand management for all sub-associations, including digital channels.
The aim of the project was to unify the brand digitally and to provide all sections with a uniform web design without undermining the autonomy of the content for the individual sections.
State-of-the-art technologies
A modern technology stack based on open source components that are also used by Airbnb and Netflix ensures maximum performance. All without license costs and with low operating costs. A responsive design according to the latest best practice leads to good user-friendliness, readability and accessibility on all devices.
The underlying backend engine was developed in Switzerland and also enables e-commerce processes such as ticket sales for events and a professional search across all content areas.

Walter SchweizerThe technical competence and expertise that went into the development of the new website have created a platform that not only impresses with particularly fast loading times, but also with efficient backend optimization. The outstanding, adaptable responsive design ensures that the website is displayed optimally on all devices. It was also important to us to have a CMS with a clear and good distribution of roles, which we have successfully implemented. This reflects our high standards of quality and user-friendliness.
Head of Marketing

"Federalist" CMS
The resulting solution is based on a shared multi-client capable headless CMS for all regional associations. Each regional association receives a subdomain under the new main domain (cantonal association), e.g.
The cantonal association regularly publishes news posts, courses and events and can send them to the regional associations for adoption.
Each regional association is largely autonomous with regard to content
Not only the page content but also the header and footer areas of the website can be changed, menus can be structured by the user and, with regard to content published by the canton, the sub-association always has the option of publishing the article unchanged, in a modified form or not at all on the sub-association page.
However, the design is deliberately very limited and that is a good thing. It simplifies the maintenance of the content and protects the CI/CD. Changing the layout and basic design is only possible where it is explicitly intended for all regions (e.g. changing the logo). The brand management is thus consistently enforced at cantonal and regional level and always presents itself in a uniform manner, but can differ greatly in terms of information content.
Conversely, the system also optimally supports the federal principle
Events, news entries or member lists published by regions are automatically aggregated and published at cantonal level.

Self-Service Portal
The self-service portal integrated into the platform enables members of the regional associations to manage their businesses independently. They can upload images, write detailed descriptions of their businesses, publish opening hours and provide contact information such as telephone and email addresses for reservations.

For smaller catering establishments, it may even become unnecessary to operate their own website.
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